Mistresss C

Mistress C

Mistress C orchestrates a mesmerizing tapestry, deftly intertwining the supernatural with sensuality, ensnaring readers with every twist of the plot. Embarking on exhilarating escapades spanning land and sea, the narrative draws richness from the author's personal sailing and travel odysseys, instilling an aura of authenticity and profundity. Essential for enthusiasts of narratives delving into the intricate connections of fate, affection, and emancipation, this novel exudes an irresistible allure. With its enchanting allure, it pledges an immersive voyage through mystical dimensions, guaranteeing to leave readers entranced by its otherworldly encounters and profound insights

The Garnering

The Garnering

“The Garnering,” by R. Hilary Adcock, is Book One of The Trilogy of Hope. The story begins when ‘Vanishing Day’ causes the sudden, global disappearance, of men, women, and children. Warnings of the ‘vanishing’ were prophesized, and preserved, in ancient texts, but were ignored as the population grew in number and apathy.

The Final Garnering

The Final Garnering

"The Garnering," "The Final Garnering," and "Countdown to Vanishing Day" by R. Hilary Adcock form a gripping apocalyptic trilogy that delves into the chaos ensuing from Vanishing Day—a bewildering phenomenon leading to the mass disappearance of individuals across the globe.

"Countdown to Vanishing Day" introduces the lead characters of the "Trilogy of Hope." The readers join them through their lives as they come together and prepare a secret plan inspired by prophecy… yet to be revealed.

Countdown to Vanishing Day

Countdown to Vanishing Day

"The Garnering," "The Final Garnering," and "Countdown to Vanishing Day" by R. Hilary Adcock form a gripping apocalyptic trilogy that delves into the chaos ensuing from Vanishing Day—a bewildering phenomenon leading to the mass disappearance of individuals across the globe.

"Countdown to Vanishing Day" introduces the lead characters of the "Trilogy of Hope." The readers join them through their lives as they come together and prepare a secret plan inspired by prophecy… yet to be revealed.

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Mistresss C

Mistress C

Mistress C orchestrates a mesmerizing tapestry, deftly intertwining the supernatural with sensuality, ensnaring readers with every twist of the plot. Embarking on exhilarating escapades spanning land and sea, the narrative draws richness from the author's personal sailing and travel odysseys, instilling an aura of authenticity and profundity. Essential for enthusiasts of narratives delving into the intricate connections of fate, affection, and emancipation, this novel exudes an irresistible allure. With its enchanting allure, it pledges an immersive voyage through mystical dimensions, guaranteeing to leave readers entranced by its otherworldly encounters and profound insights

The Garnering

The Garnering

“The Garnering,” by R. Hilary Adcock, is Book One of The Trilogy of Hope. The story begins when ‘Vanishing Day’ causes the sudden, global disappearance, of men, women, and children. Warnings of the ‘vanishing’ were prophesized, and preserved, in ancient texts, but were ignored as the population grew in number and apathy.

The Final Garnering

The Final Garnering

"The Garnering," "The Final Garnering," and "Countdown to Vanishing Day" by R. Hilary Adcock form a gripping apocalyptic trilogy that delves into the chaos ensuing from Vanishing Day—a bewildering phenomenon leading to the mass disappearance of individuals across the globe.

"Countdown to Vanishing Day" introduces the lead characters of the "Trilogy of Hope." The readers join them through their lives as they come together and prepare a secret plan inspired by prophecy… yet to be revealed.

Countdown to Vanishing Day

Countdown to Vanishing Day

"The Garnering," "The Final Garnering," and "Countdown to Vanishing Day" by R. Hilary Adcock form a gripping apocalyptic trilogy that delves into the chaos ensuing from Vanishing Day—a bewildering phenomenon leading to the mass disappearance of individuals across the globe.

"Countdown to Vanishing Day" introduces the lead characters of the "Trilogy of Hope." The readers join them through their lives as they come together and prepare a secret plan inspired by prophecy… yet to be revealed.

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R. Hilary Adcock is a retired architect whose rich tapestry of life experiences informs his compelling writing. With a background that spans architecture, forensic investigation, aviation, and sailing, Hilary's passion for exploration has taken him across the globe.

About The Author

Author R. Hilary Adcock has lived a full and exciting life. As an architect and forensic investigator, he also pursued a passion for aviation, sailing, and exploring different parts of the world. His travels in North and South America, Europe, North Africa, Canada, and Alaska have enhanced his understanding of the many cultures of the world. Having been a charter captain and sailing instructor, he has sailed the East and West coasts of the USA, Mexico, the Sea of Cortez, and the Caribbean. He resides in the White Mountains of Arizona and has turned his focus to writing. The books he writes are exciting and informed by his rich life experiences. Readers are drawn into the midst of the story as they engage with his well-developed characters

About The Author

Author R. Hilary Adcock has lived a full and exciting life. As an architect and forensic investigator, he also pursued a passion for aviation, sailing, and exploring different parts of the world. His travels in North and South America, Europe, North Africa, Canada, and Alaska have enhanced his understanding of the many cultures of the world. Having been a charter captain and sailing instructor, he has sailed the East and West coasts of the USA, Mexico, the Sea of Cortez, and the Caribbean. He resides in the White Mountains of Arizona and has turned his focus to writing. The books he writes are exciting and informed by his rich life experiences. Readers are drawn into the midst of the story as they engage with his well-developed characters

Mistress C

Mistress C orchestrates a mesmerizing tapestry, deftly intertwining the supernatural with sensuality, ensnaring readers with every twist of the plot. Embarking on exhilarating escapades spanning land and sea, the narrative draws richness from the author’s personal sailing and travel odysseys, instilling an aura of authenticity and profundity. Essential for enthusiasts of narratives delving into the intricate connections of fate, affection, and emancipation, this novel exudes an irresistible allure. With its enchanting allure, it pledges an immersive voyage through mystical dimensions, guaranteeing to leave readers entranced by its otherworldly encounters and profound insights

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Mistress SEA 2

Michael McKaleb continues his life on Earth, but with a twist. He was a human in his adventures on Mistress C, but his unscheduled death by drowning has transformed him into a Quantum being. He exists in the spirit world between Heaven and Earth with orders to protect a human named Mark Collins. The spiritual depth and worldly complexity of the task, requires every Quantum ability of his new reality. Together, they push creative boundaries, while being pursued by earthly and spiritual forces hell-bent on their destruction.

In this maritime adventure, Michael’s 50-foot center-cockpit-monohull, originally christened Mistress C, is refitted and renamed Mistress Sea. She will carry them through times of joy and unexpected danger as they pursue Mark’s dream and Michael’s duty to protect him.

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